Test Mobile App

Quick Guide: Test Your Business Mobile App Before Launch

Philip Lew XBOSoftToday’s guest post comes from Phillip Lew, Chief Executive Officer at XBOSoft, a software testing company. He oversees strategy, operations and business development through his expertise as a software engineer since founding the company in 2006. Lew holds a PMP certification and a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from Beihang University.

A Guide To Test Your Business Mobile App Before Launch

Before releasing any product to the public, the most important question that should be asked is, “Does it work?”

That’s likely the only question consumers will be wondering before they purchase a product. Plus, they’re going to purchase the product assuming that it works. The same is true for mobile apps, even if there’s no cost for the user to install it. People install mobile apps on their devices because they want the convenience those apps offer, and they won’t tolerate any malfunctions. In fact, the majority of mobile app users will delete an app if it fails to deliver a flawless experience even twice. If the app is prone to crashing, difficult to navigate, or takes too much time to complete a task, users won’t put up with it.

This is why testing a mobile app is essential before releasing it to the public. Releasing an app without thoroughly testing it can lead to thousands if not millions of unsatisfied customers. Those customers are also connected to a variety of product review websites and can voice their displeasure before your company even has a chance to become successful.  Because mobile app users can put an app through the wringer, an app needs to be built to withstand practically every situation a user can put it through successfully.

As you might imagine, the process of testing a mobile app for everything a user might do to it is exhaustive. However, it’s one that businesses cannot ignore. We’ve created a quick guide with a step-by-step, rigorous and thorough testing process to help ensure that no matter what users do to it, the app will come through with flying colors.  Before you put any mobile app out on the market, you need to know that it will work every time. Testing is the only way to guarantee that customers will never have to wonder if the app they just installed will work.